Para dar más fidelidad al encuentro que tuvimos con Marie, les dejamos esta entrevista, en su idioma original.
My name is Marie Dahlstrome, Im from Denmark but I live in London since the last ten years. Im singer-songwriter and play a little bit of instruments. I been study at the same time I play music for the last six o seven years. This is my first time exploring Mexico this way, I been here once before with my family, but I didn’t get to see anything.

Tell us how did your relationship with music start?
It’s started when I was in school and I was singing in a small chorus and in my city they have a special music school for kids, where you don’t learn music in the tradicional way. You have to read music and all that stuff you learned by year, and you have to swap instruments to do auditions with clapping, and that kind of thing. I did that when I was little, for tree, four years. And the Danish versión of European, an song contest, but for Denmark, with a band when I was eleven. Thats king of how making music started for me. And after that I just went to school normally, you know, and just make little music in my spare time but I wasn’t ever really committed I just like music. But when I was in pre-university, I apply for some’s music schools in London, and then I went to full auditions, and I get into the school, and then move in to London, streight after I finish my pre-university.
Where does the desire to involve yourself in the production and composition of music comes from?
It comes from the fact that I like making music because it something inside of me. So if it isn´t my expression, then I don´t know who it is. So thats why I realice I like to do this so much. I would like it singing other people songs or being realising records that I haven´t writting myself. Because for me it’s a very personal experience, first at all. There is were it comes from, to express myself. I like being in home making music, thats my favorite part of music. Is not performing, is not being on stage, is not Instagram and all that bullshit, just being in home making songs, is what I really like.

Which were the songs you listened as a child?
I went from different faces. I went for rock face, I went for grunch, and then I went from a hip-hop and everything, but I landed on r&b and Neil Young and all that kind of era of the 90’ and 2000 kind of music. And that’s kind of where my inspiration of gosspel music blowsome from.
It requires a daily effort get to where you are. With that clarity about what you do with your music, what it feels to be in front of the audience in a city like Mexico?
Its very nice to be invited to come all the way here to play my own music. It is a really big honor and Im very gratefull that people wants to hear my music in Mexico, its amazing. I think that even that in itself, it is a big achievement for me.
I think that is a very important direction, you have to make a decision with yourself, commit to your own way to making music and once you do that you see good stuff.
Marie Dahlstrome

What do you think about the young female singers scene in Denmark?
I think that its alot of good artist. But also I think that there is alot of people being suck by the things I just tell you about it, which its sad. But there also a good female in Denmark. Sadly Im not to aware with what its going on because I live in London, so I recognize that I know more about the London scene that the Denmark scene. But I will try to catch up with what its going out there.